Ergonomic Assessment, & Injury Prevention
A Functional Job Analysis is an analysis of the physical demands required to complete a work activity. Delineation and quantification of specific variables such as force, distance, and time for the performance of a job functions allow for a more accurate and detailed comparison between an employees physical capacity and the jobs requirements.
A Pre-work screen is a proactive functional capacity evaluation.
Onsite Ergonomic Assessment for Injury prevention and Onsite Treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
A Functional Capacity Evaluation accurately and objectively quantifies an employees physical capacity for the performance of work activities. A series of relevant functional performance tests are administered by a trained health professional.
Ergonomic Intervention uses information obtained in the functional job analysis to identify and eliminate-risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders while performing a particular job. Most of the time, the intervention involves simple and inexpensive changes in workplace procedure or structure. Education of employee and employer by a trained healthcare professionals is an important factor in implementing effective change.