Sports Injury Prevention

Temple Ergonomics identifies and strengthens key muscles needed for athletes to maintain a neutral knee, hip, and trunk position with jumping, landing, and changing directions rapidly.
We also analyze and correct faulty and dangerous jumping patterns that may put an athlete at increased risk for injury to their knee.
Some studies have identified similar landing patterns among female athletes 11 to 12 years old that puts them at more risk than male athletes for tearing their ACL's while playing soccer, basketball, and
We correct these patterns by teaching the athlete the correct way to jump and land and practicing it repeatedly until it becomes second nature.
Studies suggest that females age 11 to 12 years old actually straighten their knees and turn them inward when landing. On the contrary, male athletes tend to characteristically bend their knees and turn them
outwards creating a more stable and neutral base of support.
When an athlete turns their knee inwards and/or extends it, much of the stress from landing is placed directly on the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) making it more prone to injury. When combined with changes of direction that cause the femal athlete to bend her torso sideways away from the direction the knee is tilting inwards, there is a dangerous force placed on the knee. This position is sometimes called “The Point of No Return” by the medical community,
Therefore, girls 11 to 12 year
old are more prone to injury if they are not trained to land correctly.